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Will America cut off military aid to Egypt?( intermediate and higher)
Before watching the video  learn the following words:
-to suspend military assistance=to terminate military help=прекратить оказывать военную помощь,
-to be complicit in the mass slaughter of cilivilians = to be involved in the mass murder of citizens, 
-a militay coup=военный переворот, 
-to cut off aid=прекратить оказывать помощь,
-to pull the pug on..=прекратить поддержку чего-то,
-hardware=военная техника,
-to end up cutting money to defence contractors=прийти к необходимости урезать зарплату оборонным подрядчикам,
-to hand over money to..= передавать деньги,
-a treasury department=Министерство Финансов США,
-a manufacturer=производитель,
-the Sinai=Синайский п-ов(в Египте),
-the Egyptian military=египетские военные,
-the only force=единственная сила,
-to keep the country from chaos and extrimism=удерживать страну от погружения в хаос и экстримизм,
-jihad [ʤɪ'hæd ], [ʤɪ'hɑːd] = джихад, газават, священная война (против немусульман),
-to plot to launch an attack = строить планы об атаке,
-to weaken security,
-to guard=охранять
 Then watch the video and answer the followimng questions:
How does the USA help Egypt in the military sphere? 
Whаt do they produce for Egyptians?
Where do they produce the tanks and jets?
What benefits does this bring to Americans?
Who administers the Egyptian money paid to military hardware producers?
What benefits does the enforcement of the Egyptian military give to Israel?
What other country besides Egypt has drawn up a peace treaty with Israel?  
How will weakening of military aid affect the Suez Canal?
Why does Obama want to cut down on military aid to Egypt? 
Will he really do that? Why?
Fill out the gaps in the sentences below:
If not for .........Egyptians would be tormented by inside extremism.
If not for ......... Americans would have fewer jobs and paid less tax.
If not for .........Israeli would be heavily attacked by Egyptian jihadists.
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: teletata (29.08.2013)
Просмотров: 912 | Теги: Intermediate, military aid, бесплатные уроки, America, Egypt, CNN | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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