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I. Listen to the audio file up to 2 min 2 sec and do the test below


Listen to the beginning of Chapter Three. For each question, write the letter of the right answer in the gap, then check your answers and send me a screenshot.

1 What time did Dr. Mortimer and Sir Henry Baskerville arrive at Holmes' flat?

a eleven o’clock

b nine o'clock

c ten o’clock

       2  What was Sir Henry like?

a He was a tall, strong-looking man.

b He was a small, strong-looking man.

c He was a small, weak-looking man.

3 The letter said that Sir Henry's life was in danger

a  in London.

b  on the moors.

c in America.

4 What did Sir Henry lose in the hotel?

a a shoe

b his wallet

c some luggage

        5 The passenger in the taxi had

a black beard.

b red beard.

c large black moustache.

 Listen and do the test again until you get all the answers green =Прослушайте и пройдите тест еще раз пока все ваши ответы не станут зелеными.Send me screenshots with your best results.  

II. Translate all new words and do the test below the pages

V. Type in English equivalents and check your answers:

(1) прибыть на квартиру= to the flat

(2) протянуть письмо Холмсу= to the letter Holmes

(3)чистильщик обуви= a

(4) досадно, обидно=

(5) носить ботинки [3 формы глагола через дефис]=toshoes

(6) объяснить=to

(7) to answer =to

(8) помешать кому-то сделать что-то = to somebodydoing something

(9) присоединиться к кому-то для похода на обед= tosomebodylunch

(10) обсудить все дело целиком=tothematter

(11) следовать за кем-то= tosmb

(12) указать на = to to

(13)борода= a

 Do the test again until you get all the answers green =Пройдите тест еще раз пока все ваши ответы не станут зелеными.Send me screenshots with your best results.

VI. Write answers to the questions and send in for a check.

Use indirect speech where necessary [используйте косвенную речь, где необходимо]:

1. What did Sir Henry say when he came to Sherlock Holmes? 

2. What was said in the letter that he had received in the morning? [use: mustn't]

3. What did Sir Henry tell about his being in the hotel in the previous night?

4. Whay was it annoying to him?

5. Where was Sir Henry determined [решительно настроен] to go? Why?

6. What did he invite Sherlock Holmes to do?

7. Why did Sherlock Holmes command Watson to follow Dr Mortimer and Sir Henry after they went out?

8. What did Holmes notice in the street?

9. What do you make of [думаете о] Sherlock Holmes? [Use: professional, shrewd, original, confident]

VII. Practice retelling the episode, using indirect speech. In about 10 sentences. For better logic use at leat 3 linking phrases. = Для лучшей логики используйте хотя бы 3 вводных фразы

Click to use some of these linking phrases [вводные фразы]in your retelling

VIII. Read the end of chapter 3 and translate new words.

The passenger saw us and ordered the driver to move away quickly.

‘It’s not important,’ Holmes told me. 'I took the driver’s number. I’ll talk to him later.’

When we arrived at Sir Henry’s hotel Sir Henry told us that someone had taken another of his shoes — this time one of an old pair. Holmes seemed interested in this piece of news but he did not say anything.

Sir Henry told us that he was going to Baskerville Hall.

‘You’re doing the right thing,’ Holmes encouraged him. ‘If someone is trying to hurt you, you’re safer there than in London.’

Then Holmes described the passenger in the taxi.

'Is there anyone at Baskerville Hall who has a black beard?’ he asked Dr Mortimer.                                                              

‘Only Barrymore, the butler,’ Dr Mortimer replied.

‘Good,’ said Holmes. 'I’ll send a telegram to the house to ask Barrymore if everything is ready for the arrival of Sir Henry. I’ll instruct the post office to give Barrymore his telegram personally. Then we’ll know if the butler is in London or at Baskerville Hall today!’

Then Holmes asked about the money that came to different people after the death of Sir Charles.

‘Barrymore and his wife received £500, and I received £1,000,’ the doctor explained. ‘The rest goes to Sir Henry — about £740,000!

‘It’s a lot of money,’ Holmes said thoughtfully. ‘Some people would kill for a fortune like that. What happens if Sir Henry dies? Where does the money go then?’

Mortimer gave a long explanation of the members of the Baskerville family.

‘Sir Charles had two brothers. Sir Henry is the only son of Sir Charles’s second brother. The third brother, Rodger, was a criminal. He ran away to South America in order to avoid the police in England. He died in South America. Therefore, if Sir Henry dies, everything goes to a cousin, James Desmond. James Desmond is an old man. He does not want to be rich.’

Now Sherlock Holmes gave Sir Henry some advice.

‘Go to Baskerville Hall tomorrow,' he said, 'but do not go there alone. I can’t come with you at the moment because I’m working on another case, but take Watson with you.’

Sir Henry and I were happy with Holmes’s suggestion.

‘Look!’ cried Sir Henry suddenly. 'This is one of the shoes that I couldn’t find before. It was under the table

‘It wasn’t there when we searched this room,’ Dr. Mortimer commented in surprise. Holmes and I returned to the Baker Street flat.

In the test below choose the right answer.

What did the passenger in the taxi do?

a) Ordered the driver to move away quickly

b) Gave a compliment to Holmes

c) Stole Sir Henry’s shoe

Insert the letter of the right answer:

Who did Holmes ask about the black beard?

a) Sir Henry

b) Dr. Mortimer

c) Barrymore’s wife

Insert the letter of the right answer:

How did Holmes plan to send the telegram to Barrymore?

a) Through the post office

b) Through email

c) Through a phone call

Insert the letter of the right answer:

How much money did Barrymore and his wife receive after Sir Charles’s death?

a) £1,000

b) £500

c) £740,000

Insert the letter of the right answer:

Who does the money go to if Sir Henry dies?

a) Barrymore

b) James Desmond

c) Sir Charles

Insert the letter of the right answer:

Who did Holmes ask Sir Henry to take with him to Baskerville Hall?

a) Watson

b) Dr. Mortimer

c) Barrymore

Insert the letter of the right answer:

Where was Sir Henry’s missing shoe found?

a) Under the table

b) In the closet

c) On the bed

Insert the letter of the right answer:

Send the screenshot to the teacher

IX. In the text above Find English equivalents for the following Russian wrodsand enter them into the gaps:

(1) приказать кучеру отъехать= to the driver to away

(2) прибыть в отель сэра Генри= to at Sir Henry's hotel

(3) казаться заинтересованным= to interested

(4) приободрить= to

(5) ранить= to

(6) безопаснее=

(7) прибытие=

(8) получить= to

(9) объяснение=

(10) преступник= a

(11) избегать полиции= to the police

(12) дать совет= to give

(13) искать= to

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X. Prepare a retelling of this episode in past tenses using the outline below:


  1. The passenger orders the driver to move away quickly
  • Holmes takes the driver's number for later talk
  1. Sir Henry informs them of another missing shoe
  • Holmes seems interested
  1. Sir Henry announces plans to go to Baskerville Hall
  • Holmes encourages him to do so for his safety
  1. Holmes asks about individuals receiving money from Sir Charles's death
  • Mortimer explains that Sir Henry will inherit a large fortune
  1. Holmes advises Sir Henry to go to Baskerville Hall with Watson
  • Sir Henry finds a missing shoe

XI. Read the last passage of chapter 3:

There was a knock on the door. It was the taxi driver who had
driven the passenger with the black beard.

What can I do for you, Sir? the man asked Holmes politely.

'Tell me about the passenger you had today,' Holmes told him.
‘The passenger with the black beard.’

‘He told me that he was a detective,’ the driver said. ‘He told
me to
say nothing about what happened.’

‘This is a serious matter,’ Holmes warned the man. ‘I want to
know everything’

‘He gave me his name,’ the driver said reluctantly.1

That wasn’t very intelligent of him,’ Holmes commented.
What name did he give you?

‘Sherlock Holmes,’ the driver replied. ‘His name was Sherlock

Holmes was astonished2 for a moment. Then he asked the
driver where he had taken the passenger.

‘I took him to Waterloo Station,’ the driver said. He caught a

Holmes gave the driver some money and sent him away. Then
he turned to me seriously.

‘Our enemy is clever, 3 Watson, he told me. ‘We don’t know
what he did in London. Be very careful at Baskerville Hall. There
is great danger in this case.’ 

XII. In the text above Find English equivalents for the following Russian wrods and enter them into the gaps. Then write out sentences with them:

(1) стук в дверь= a the door

(2) вежливо=

(3) серьезное дело= a serious

(4) неохотно= to

(5) умно с его стороны= him

(6) изумленный=

(7) сесть на поезд [три формы глагола через дефис]= to a train

(8) враг= an

(9) осторожный=

(10) большая опасность=

Send the screenshot to the teacher, then do it again until you get all the answers green, then send the screenshot to the teacher

XIII. Write answers to the following questions:

  1. Who knocked on the door and why?
  2. What did the taxi driver reveal about the passenger with the black beard?
  3. How did Holmes react when he heard the name the passenger gave to the taxi driver?
  4. Where did the taxi driver take the passenger with the black beard?
  5. What warning did Holmes give to Watson regarding the case?

XIV.  Complete the following sentences by filling in the gaps with the appropriate forms of the verbs in parentheses 

  1. The taxi driver ______________ (drive) the passenger with the black beard before he arrived at the door.
  2. Holmes politely asked the man what he could do for him and told him to tell him about the passenger he ______________ (have) that day.
  3. The driver reluctantly mentioned that the passenger ______________ (tell) him to say nothing about what had happened.
  4. Holmes warned the man that it ______________ (be) a serious matter and that he wanted to know everything.
  5. The driver revealed that the name the passenger ______________ (give) him was Sherlock Holmes, which astonished Holmes.
  6. Holmes asked the driver where he ______________ (take) the passenger, and the driver replied that he took him to Waterloo Station where he ______________ (catch) a train.
  7. After giving the driver some money and sending him away, Holmes turned to Watson and told him that their enemy ______________ (be) clever and that they didn't know what he ______________ (do) in London.
  8. Holmes advised Watson to be very careful at Baskerville Hall, as there ______________ (be) great danger in the case.
  9. Holmes wondered why the passenger with the black beard had ________________ (choose)  to give his own name, Sherlock Holmes, to the taxi driver.
  10. Watson asked Holmes if he believed the passenger's claim of being a detective, to which Holmes replied that they _____________ (need)  to gather more information to verify it.