просрочить (платежи по кредитам) на 60дней= to be 60 days
ресторан для автомобилистов на открытом воздухе=a
Что?/Что вы сказали?=
If you have more than 30% red spots, reload the page and do the exercises over again.
Send your teacher a screenshot with the final results of your work.
Task II. Prepare answers to these questions:
What did Ray Kroc trade in?
What was his dream? What was he trying to achieve in his business?
How did he tout /baliboo his multi-mixers? What was his main arguments for cafe owners to buy them?Why would most drive-in owners refuse to buy his multi-mixers for milkshakes?
What helped him not to lose hope? What inspirational words did the speaker say on the record he put on?
Do you think it is possible to alter our life by altering our set of mind?
What was Ray Kroc’s financial rating? Did he have any credits?
What was unusual about Mc Donald’s order?
Why did he decide to drive to McDonalds? How far did he have to drive?
How was Mc Donald’s different form other drive-ins?
What do you think of Ray Kroc's business? Would you like to have such a job?
What was the problem with drive-ins back on the 1950s? How did Ray Kroc think they could be overcome?
Task III Watch episode 2 and episode 3 and find in the subtitles English equivalents or synonyms for the following words:
картошка фри =
обертка = a
To come round = заехать= to
Would you like...?= Do you for...?
Вот в чем ключ к успеху=THat's the of the game
Tailored = made-to-order=сделанный по индивидуальному заказу=
Как, черт возьми, вы до этого додумались?= How the did you with this?!
Totally right=идеальный, четкий, в яблочко= -on
It's none of my business=None of my
Вывести кого-то на обед= to smb out to dinner
Направиться на Запад=to
To get a job at ... = to a job at...
Can I borrow 10 cents from you? = Can you
рутбир (шипучий напиток из экстрактов кореньев и трав)=
To be very successful financially = to make a lot of money=to rock=to show great vigor =to
Эстакада, переезд= an
We are screwed =Мы погибли=We are
Распилить пополам =to saw
Да ладно!=
To establish oneself in business=упрочивать свой бизнес= to shop
To make some tricks=сделать несколько ходов =to make some
Ресторан для автомобилистов =a
To be very popular=to be the hottest thing =to be all
To develop a presence in=to establish oneself in
We have got to get in on this= Мы должны участвовать в этом=We get in on this
Выравниваться =to stop growing = to off
Желаемая клиентура=desirable
Лихач=a hot
Малолетний преступник=a
To last forever=Длиться вечность= to take
A girl whose job is to serve diners in their cars, taking and bringing orders =a
Платежи персоналу= the
Продаваться = to generate profit=to go
Одноразовая посуда= dishes
To keep out hooligans= вытеснить хулиганов=to drive out the
To use other people's ideas=to
Снести здание=to a building
Заставить кого-то (МЯГКО) сделать что-то, сделать так, чтобы что-то произошло=to smb V1
a revolving [вращающийся] stand or tray on a table, used esp. for holding condiments = a Lazy
Симфония эффективности=a of
Ни одно движение не пропадёт зря=not a motion
Подъехать на машине=to up
Сигналить (на машине)=to
Ошарашенный =taken aback=confused=
Very angry=
To swear dirtily at... =материть кого-то= to out
Выбросить мусор =totrash
Сдаться= to give in=to the towel
To be a tremendous success = иметь большой успех= to go
Устроить шоу=to a show
муха =a
Должно быть были привлечены=drawn
Полная катастрофа=a total
If you have more than 30% red spots, reload the page and do the exercises over again.
Send your teacher a screenshot with the final results of your work.
Task IV. Prepare answers to the following questions:
What impressed Ray Kcroc about Mc Donald's particularly?
Why, d o you think, he took the Mc Donald brothers out to dinner? (Use: with the view to V..ing)
How had they started out?
How many items were there on the first Mc Donald’s’ menu initially?
Was it successful?
What happened to sales?
What built-in problems did drive-ins have?
What people did their drive-in tend to attract?
What was the problem with the service?
What was the problem with the payroll?
What other overhead expenses did they face?
What were the three most popular items? What proportion of sales did they generate?
How did they advertise their hamburgers?
What did they get rid of?
What environment did they try to create?
What was the biggest cut they made?
What did Dickdraw on the ground of a tennis court?
What did they have their staff do at the tennis court?
How did they call their system?
How did people take the new format of a drive-in with no carhops, and with paper dishes?
What had the McDonalds’ underestimated?
What did they decide to do to popularize the new format of their restaurant?
What happened during the re-opening?
Task V Translate:
Если бы не Великая Депрессия, их маленький кинотеатр был бы очень успешным (swell)
Столкнувшись с долгим ожиданием заказа, многие жалели, что пришли в эту забегаловку для автомобилистов. (Having V3 , ...wished...)
"Ну когда же мне принесут мой чертов заказ!" думал Рэй. (...wish...)
Один из братьев предложил урезать меню. (suggested Ving)
Если бы кафе не привлекало хулиганов, лихачей и малолетних преступников, то ущерба было меньше.
Если мне придется выйти из машины, есть из бумаги и выбрасывать мусор самому, то я не буду здесь питаться.
Многие автомобилисты поняли, что если они встанут очередь, то получат заказ уже через 30 секунд.