I. Watch the video and type in English equivalents of the active words in the chart below, then check yourself with answers:

Type in English translations in the right column.

2 градуса по Цельсию 2
to increase= to [три формы глагола через дефис]
слабые шансы chances
поглощать меньше углекислого газа [CO2] to
аккумулироваться в атмосфере to in the atmosphere
добавлять глобального потепления, усиливать его to
убить джунгли to
мертвая растительность
гнить to
выделять углерод to
собираться, концентрироваться to
быть погруженным в неуправляемое глобальное потепление to global warming
ураган a
сталкиваться с разрушением to
быть задохнувшимся to be
пересыхать to out
лезть вверх по течению to
отравленный, ядовитый
необратимый упадок
урожай зерновых
низменные районы
разорванный на части
северное полушарие the
Арктика the

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Incorrect Answers: 0

 Reload the page and practice again and again until you get all the words in green


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II. Fill in the gaps with prepositions where necessary. In places where should be no prepositions write "-"

If global temperatures rise 2 degrees Celsius, the chances of avoiding a 3-degree increase are slim. The buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere adds the global warming. According scientists, a 2-degree rise will kill  40% of the Amazon rainforest. Huge amounts of carbon are stored in the soil, around double the amount is already in the atmosphere. 3 degrees plants stop absorbing CO2. If the excess of carbon in the atmosphere raises the temperatures 1,5 degree, the planet will be tipped runaway global warming. In this future, hurricanes are much stronger and cities in Asia, Australia and the South East United States face destruction. Grain yields decline by 10% for every degree 30 degrees Celsius. The low-lying areas suffer floods and the Netherlands are torn by the North sea.

Correct Answers: 0

Incorrect Answers: 0

 Reload the page and practice again and again until you get all the words in green


Think over answers to these questions:

1. How should we prepare for weather shifts and disasters that loom large?

2. What could governments do?

3. Will cutting off industrial and transport emissions stop global warming?

4. What does the future have in store for Russia? 

5. Where do you think will it be impossible to live?

6. What should each of do to ensure survival in abnormal weather?

III. Watch the video and comment on it


- a sudden spike in global average temperatures

- an unprecedented rise in temperatures

- negative changes 

- to predominate

- positive changes

- to be replaced with 

- to be observed occasionally

- to last longer 

- continuous heat waves

IV. Analyse the map and talk about what places are at the highest risk of submerging in the next 20 years.

What landmarks may disappear under water? Read here '