Watch the video below and fill in the gaps with words from it in the table below. Write in small letters,make no gaps. Then click the check button to check. If you have many wrong answers, do the exercise again.

Study the names of green-houses gases, which will kill all living matter on Earth if temperatures grow too high.

Then watch the video with subtitles on

Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

fungi =плесень

thaw=оттепель, оттаивать

While watching or after that, fill in the gaps in the exercises below the video with English words.


Task I. Fill in the gaps with words from the video.

очень сильно отличающийся different
to disappear= to
проникнуть глубоко в континенты to reach into continents
заново оттаявшие (от вечной мерзлоты)области; newly-regions
ломиться, силой прокладывать себе дорогу to one’s way
мало обитаемых мест, оставшихся на Земле fewplaces left on Earth
расовый конфликт а
гражданская война а
неизбежный исход anoutcome
пустыня а
мангровые деревья trees
запертый (под водой)метан up methane
вырываться с силой взрыва to escape with force
парниковый газ a-house gas
быть задохнувшимся to be
быть стертым с лица земли to beout
застоявшиеся, со стоячей водой океаны oceans
шаровая молния a
горы трупов в городах piling up in cities

Correct Answers: 0

Incorrect Answers: 0

 Reload the page and practice again and again until you get all the words in green

If you have more than 30% mistakes, reload thepage and do the test again

Task II. Form stem words (однокоренные слова)

noun adjective  verb
(вымирание) extinct(вымерший) (вымирать)
(взрыв) (взрывчатый) explode(взрываться)
habitat,(место обитания) (обитаемый)(необитаемый)(населенный) inhabit(населять)
(глубина) deep(глубокий) (углублять)
flame (пламя) (воспламеняемый) (воспламенять)

Correct Answers: 0

Incorrect Answers: 0

 Reload the page and practice again and again until you get all the words in green

If you have more than 30% mistakes, reload thepage and do the test again

Task III. Fill in the gaps with the proper forms of the verbs in brackets and prepositions:

1.If methane(to be) not penned deep in the ocean, we would not(to threaten) with a massive explosion

2. Unless the oceans(to reach) deep the continents, there will be no migration off the coastal regions

3. If temperatures (to rise) 4 degrees, rainforests (to turn) deserts.

4.Unless oceans (to warm) , there(to be) no explosion of methane in the past.

5.If not for the temperature rise up to 6 degrees back 251 mln years ago, 95% of species would not (to wipe) , especially sea.

6. If lightning(to ignite) flammable methane in the air, it (to send) fireballs the sky, destroying life on Earth almost entirely all the continents.

7. There is some possibility that If the ozone layer (to cripple=повреждать), it(to expose)the remaining life fatal radiation.

8. Scientists predict that if continents (to carve up) by toxic oceans and rivers (to dry), corpses (to pile) up in cities of the future.

Correct Answers: 0

Incorrect Answers: 0

 Reload the page and practice again and again until you get all the words in green

If you have more than 30% mistakes, reload thepage and do the test again

Task IV. In each field write the letter of the right answer.

  1. What will be totally exposed if temperatures rise to the average of 4 degrees Celsius?
  1. The sea bed
  2. Lands beyond the Arctic circle
  3. The poles
  4. The Arctic rocks    

The right answer is (a small letter only!)

  1. The continents will be
  1. All flooded
  2. Significantly flooded, and some new ones will be formed
  3. Flooded and exposed to extreme heat
  4. Uninhabitable

The right answer is (a small letter only!)

  1. Which of the following is NOT true?
  1. There are sure to be clashes among humans
  2. There are sure to be food shortages
  3. There are sure to be enough drinking water reserves
  4. There are sure to be few agricultural lands left

The right answer is (a small letter only!)

  1. The scenario described in the video has already been a reality on our planet
  1. Yes, 251 mln years ago
  2. Yes, 55 mln years ago
  3. No
  4. God knows

The right answer is (a small letter only!)

  1. What will doom us to a 5-degree temperature rise?
  1. An eruption of a huge volcano
  2. An eruption of hydro carbon in the sea
  3. Release of methane from dead animals
  4. There is no such risk

The right answer is (a small letter only!)

  1. The species that survived at temperature 6-degree higher than now were
  1. Lice and mushrooms
  2. Fungi and marine creatures
  3. Pig-like lystrosauruses and fungi
  4. None

The right answer is (a small letter only!)

  1. What can methane releases into the atmosphere cause?
  1. Suffocation of all surviving species
  2. Fire shots from the ground into the sky
  3. Nuclear explosions
  4. Nothing devastating

The right answer is (a small letter only!)

  1. What other gas can potentially build up in the atmosphere in the conditions of extreme warming and stagnant oceans?
  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. Carbon monoxide
  3. Hydrogen sulfide
  4. Methane

The right answer is (a small letter only!)

  1. What can result from the depletion of the ozone layer under the influence of Sulphur dioxide?
  1. All surviving life forms will be killed by UV radiation
  2. All surviving life firms will be killed by X-rays
  3. All surviving life forms will be killed by micro-waves
  4. All surviving life forms will be killed by asteroids

The right answer is (a small letter only!)

  1. Why will corpses pile up in cities primarily?
  1. Because of struggle for resources
  2. Because of suffocation with poisonous gases
  3. Because of extreme heat
  4. Because of racial conflicts
  5. Because of spread of fungi
  6. Because of fireballs

The right answer is (a small letter only!)

Correct Answers: 0

Incorrect Answers: 0

 Reload the page and practice again and again until you get all the words in green

If you have more than 30% mistakes, reload thepage and do the test again

Task V. Think of answers to these questions:

1. What will happen to the oceans and seas if the average temperature grows to 4 degrees?

2. What will happen to land?

3. What regions will become the only habitable zones? 

4. Why will there still be not enough food in those regions?

5. What will happen to the air?

6. What will happen to the flora and fauna? What will kill it?

7. What is to become of the ozone layer?

8. Why is the climate change happening?

9. What needs to be done to slow down or stop it?

Task V. To answer the last question in the previous task watch the video below.

[TOEFL]Prepare a summary using the words provided below.

degrowth=отрицательный экономический рост

 ВВП = GDP=gross domestic product

a proxy for progress=индикатор прогресса

to reduce inequality =уменьшить неравенство

to scale down energy and resource use=уменьшить использование энергии и ресурсов

to reach parity with middle-income countries= достичь паритета со странами среднего дохода

to place more focus on = больше фокусироваться на

a sharp economic contraction=резкое сокращение экономики

degrowthism in action

Task VI. [TOEFL] How are the videos in Task I and Task V related to each other?

(Do the expressions contradict each other? complement each other? highlight totally different themes?) 

Task VII.

1. [IELTS, EGE] Analyse the graph at and write the following essay:

Imagine that you are doing a project on global warming.You have collected some data on the subject (see the graph). Comment on the data in the graph and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and report 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise from burning fossil fuels further and suggest a way of solving it;
– draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of introducing alternative energy sources.

2. [IELTS, TOEFL, CAE] Write the following essay:

The only way to stop global warming is to switch to alternative energy sources. State your opinion and give arguments for it. Write at least 250 words. 

Before writing the essays you may want to read about how to write essays in international exams and  watch the videos on how to improve the level of your essays. 

Task VIII. Think what you would say in the following dialog:

A billionaire has bought a pricey property in Maiami Beach in the USA.. It is a 10-bedroom, 14-bathroom mansion on Indian Creek Island Road that. He forked out $50 million for it. His other mansions are located in Malibu and Santa Barbara, as well as an apartment in Boston. THose are all food-threatened coastal areas.

His wife has just found a picture of a forecast of floods in their area for the 21st century. It is one of many detailed maps from U.S. Climate Central, which shows accurate risk zone areas, associated with global warming sea level increase, as well as detail on the disaster zones and locations. All maps are based on an extreme 10-foot water-level rise plus a high tide flood possibility to show how dangerous this situation could become. Many of these coastal areas have some of the most expensive properties in the world, including Miami Beach, the Hamptons, and Malibu Beach, among others. More than 99 percent of today’s population in 252 coastal towns and cities would have their homes submerged. She shows the map and the forecast to the husband and expresses her fear of losing their property. She doesn't want their children to be deprived of the fortune. 

The husband is less anxious. He is skeptical about global warming. The wife, however, seems really concerned. She draws arguments and provides evidence of growing threat. They end up discussing where to settle, where to relocate their business and where to send their children to study. 





- Oh, my god!

- We are toast = We are in hot waters = We are in trouble = Мы "попали"

- It says ... -Здесь говорится, что...

- Chill. =Расслабься

-I wish we hadn't V3 / - We shouldn't have V3 =Не надо было нам (что-то делать в прошлом)

- Come on! =Да ладно тебе!

- When pigs fly’ – something that will never happen=Когда рак на горе свистнет

- in our lifetime =на нашем веку

- to be unlikely to V1= вряд ли (что-то произойдет)

-Sounds like another one of modern tall stories to me=Кажется, это еще одна современная небылица

- I wish you would V1 != Ну когда же ты (что-то сделаешь)

- to respond the reason =прислушаться к голосу разума

- to pull money out of the USA 

- to find a safer place 

- to rob one's grandchildren of their future

- to emigrate to Russia 

- to beat it on here =свалить отсюда

- Siberia

- safer

- no place to live in America

-to go bankrupt

- to be left at a loose end =остаться у разбитого корыта

- I would rather not V1 =Я бы лучше.... / Я бы предпочел...

- But I don't feel like Ving =Я мне что-то не хочется...