Task1. Watch the second part of the first episode and fill in the gaps in the right column of the table below

Russian Equivalent (with English synonym) English Phrases from the Subs
ставить в крайне недостаточно капитализированное положение = to make financially unstable To put in a woefully position
Аналога российского Агентства Страхования Вкладов = Federal [Deposit] [Insurance] Corporation / [FDIC] Federal Corporation /
освобожден от законов о коэффициенте ликвидности = not subject to from the liquidity ratio laws
Каждый второй = every other
куча наличных = a large amount of cash a of cash
эта фирма закрыта = This firm has been dissolved This firm has been
все время = from start to finish
Профиль кредитоспособности физ. лица = A Consumer Report A
в совете директоров полдюжины некоммерческих организаций = On the board of half a dozen nonprofits On the of half a dozen
Все на кону = Everything's on the table
поймать кого-либо = to catch somebody To somebody
совершить фальстарт, поторопиться = to act prematurely to
арбитраж = dispute resolution
Ну давай, расскажи мне, что это значит, а то я не знаю. (сарказм) = Yeah, tell me what it means. Yeah, what it means
дать кому-либо немного любви = to give somebody some affection to give somebody some of that
присвоить как можно больше денег = to seize as much money as possible to as much of money as possible
Номер социального страхования (частично напоминающий СНИЛС в РФ) = social security number
закончиться = give out To
допустить ошибку в интернете = to make a mistake online to
выпить лишнее = to drink too much to
кассовый чек на $29,650 = a check issued by the bank worth $29,650 a $29,650
Показать, где раки зимуют = to retaliate to
нанять адвокатов = to hire lawyers to
Упереться рогом, стоять на своем = to hold firm to
под принуждением = under pressure under
похищение = abduction
Я не согласен = I agree to disagree I
рисковать = to take the risk to
классическая паника в виде одновременного востребования вкладов большим числом вкладчиков банка = a run on the bank a good old-fashioned this bank
раздеться догола = to strip naked to
рыночная стоимость чего-либо = the market value on smth it is $27,000
полная чушь, которую несут, когда цепляются за последнюю соломинку = complete and utter straw-grasping bullshit complete and bullshit
рискнуть = to take a chance to the
Основываясь на догадках = based on a guess
Основываясь на признаках = based on a sign
болтать без умолку = to talk nonstop to one's mouth
поддерживать хорошее настроение = to stay positive to
потаскуха = a slut a
мое имя на заявке = my name is on the request My name's on the
Заниматься рэкетом= to extract money from businesses to businesses
на пути наименьшего сопротивления = seeking the easiest way

Correct Answers: 0

Incorrect Answers: 0

 Reload the page and practice again and again until you get all the words in green

Task2. Prepare answers to the questions below, using active words from this ad the previous episode.


1. How did the daughter take the news of the family relocating to the Lake of the Ozarks? (initially shocked, she tried to... despite wishing they had stayed... )
2. How did the bank react to Marty’s demand to withdraw all his savings in cash? (reacted negatively, refusing to... and explaining that by…)
3. What losses was Marty facing if he withdrew his entire portfolio of securities from his brokerage? (facing significant losses, he realized that withdrawing would result in... causing him to regret... )
4. How did he manage to induce the bank to collect all 7 million dollars in cash? Why should they be afraid of the FDIC? (by persuading them to... having provided evidence that... they should be afraid because... )
5. How did the bank managers try to resist giving him his money the next day? What assumptions did they make? (attempting to delay, they claimed that... assuming that Marty would... )
6. How did Marty get them to let him go with his cash? Is one suitcase enough to carry around 7 million dollars? (managed to convince them by... using the argument that... no suitcase being large enough, he had to...)
7. What did Marty learn about his wife? (discovering that she had... he wished he had known earlier... )
8. What did he feel? (feeling betrayed, he couldn't help but... )
9. Why did he decide not to go into Silverwood's office? (decided against it, fearing that... having thought about the consequences...)
10. How did he save his wife from getting harmed by Del Rio? (by intervening just in time, he managed to... having anticipated Del Rio's move, he...)
11. Who had been bugging Bruce's office? Were they aware of Bruce and Marty’s business specifics? (it was revealed that... being fully aware of... )
12. What did Del Rio do with the cash Marty had brought him? (taking the cash, Del Rio... subsequently using it to... )
13. What was Marty supposed to prove? (he was supposed to demonstrate that... failing which, he would... )
14. What was at stake? (at stake was... which meant that... )