I. Before you watch the video below about this Ugandan woman and her brood [выводок] of 38 children, learn these new words:

Russian English 

Practice the active words by entering the English translation in the gaps

исключительный случай Show/Hide translation an
старше кого-то на 28 лет Show/Hide translation 28 years smb's
родить кого-то Show/Hide translation to to smb
двойняшки/близнецы Show/Hide translation
умолять Show/Hide translation to
страдать от Show/Hide translation tofrom
редкое генетическое заболевание Show/Hide translation a
выпуск яйцеклетки Show/Hide translation theof an egg cell
зачать разнояйцевых [неидентичных по ДНК] близнецов Show/Hide translation to
зачать разнояйцевых тройняшек Show/Hide translation to
беременная Show/Hide translation
продолжать делать что-то Show/Hide translation to doing smth
ресурс яичников [по числу фолликулов, из которых созревает яйцеклетка] Show/Hide translation
сделать укол Show/Hide translation to give an
быть прикованным к постели Show/Hide translation to be
уйти от кого-то навсегда Show/Hide translation to leave smb
четверняшки Show/Hide translation an
кормить Show/Hide translation to [3 формы глагола через дефис]
встать на пути у кого-то Show/Hide translation to smb's way
мать, посвятившая себя своему родительскому долгу Show/Hide translation a mother
обеспечивать детей Show/Hide translation to children
металлолом Show/Hide translation
бросить школу Show/Hide translation to school
воспитывать [детей] Show/Hide translation to children
перегруженный Show/Hide translation an
Reload the page to do the test again  ;

II. Now watch the video 

III. Prepare answers to the following  questions using as many family idioms [click to open/close idioms] as possible:

1. How many children, do you think, a modern woman should have? Why? [the ideal number]

2. Should white women have more kids to sustain the population of white people? Why?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a big family? [ at the expense of =за счет..., to take care of others, less egoisitc, more self-denying, stress-resistant,, autonomous, to lack smth,to miss out on smth= упустить возможность]

4. What do you think of Mariam? What do you feel towards her?

5. How would you help such a family?

6. Whose fault is it that she couldn't stop having children?

7. Do you think giving birth to twins is a blessing or a curse? And what about triplets or quadruplets? Give grounds to your opinion.

8. How should the government help such families? [to provide housing, to pay subsidies and benefits]

9. What do you make of her husband who left her? [ a jerk?]

10. Would you like to live in Uganda?

11. How do you see the future of humans?

IV. Make up the following dialogue:

Mariam comes to a gynecologist and tells about her hard life and her despair as a mother of 25 kids at age 23. She asks the doctor to help her stop getting pregnant. The doctor assumes that the woman has a rare genetic condition, called hyper ovulation. She explains to Mariam what it is and offers her an injection. Mariam agrees.


  • I am completely wiped out / done = I am mortally tired =Я никакая/ не в состоянии что-либо делать
  •  The thing is, … =Дело в том что, …
  • To keep getting pregnant =продолжать беременеть
  • To be chronically sleep deprived = быть хронически не выспавшимся
  • To suffer from…. =страдать от…
  • chronic fatigue =хроническая усталость
  • Lack of…=нехватка…
  • Attention =внимание
  • Care =забота
  • Nutrition =питание
  • Education =образование
  • To live in bad conditions =жить в плохих условиях
  • I share your feelings =Я разделяю ваши переживания
  • You know, …  Знаете, …
  • I suspect that… =Я подозреваю, что…
  • What does that mean? /What’s that mean?
  • You see, … =Видите ли,...
  • To produce too many follicles =вырабатывать слишком много фолликулов
  • To release more than one egg cell during one cycle =выделять больше чес одной яйцеклетку во ремя одного цикла
  • To cause birth of twins, triplets and quadruplets =ызыват рождение двойняшек, тройняшек и четверняшек
  • We can offer … = Мы можем предложить …
  • But we can’t guarantee [ˌgær(ə)n'tiː] … =Но мы не можем гарантировать...
  • Any way I want to try … = В любом случае, я хочу попробовать...
  • Let’s first take blood tests =Давайте сначала сдадим анализы крови.
  • We should V1 =Нам следует...
  • I'm willing to go to any lengths, just to... = Я готова на все, лишь бы....