Для тех, кто готовится сдать IELTS academic, предлагаю перед началом занятий выполнить демо-тест в формате IELTS.

Я проставлю входной балл и спланирую курс, оптимальный под ваши задачи и текущий уровень. Если вы не понимаете или с трудом распознаете смысл задания ниже, то вы в самом начале долгого пути! Сообщите мне об этом,  я дам вам задание п легче или выполните только то, что сможете в этом тесте!

Dear Student,

I suggest you do the demo-test first.

You should do the first test from the book that you will download from the link further below.

You will have to allow 2 hours 45 minutes, or, roughly, 3 hours. You may want to approach the test in parts in any order in a few days.

1) Listening takes 30 minutes. You will hear the recordings only once! Tip: Quickly scan the questions on the listening to predict what it may be about

2) Reading requires 60 minutes.Tip: Quickly scan the questions on the listening to predict what it may be about

3) To do the writing allow 60 minutes: 20 min for the graph description and 40 min for the essay. Tip: I strongly advise you start with the essay!

a. To write a graph description, you can look at a model one at https://www.ielts-writing.info/EXAM/academic_writing_samples_task_1/1193/ .   In the introduction, you should write an overview of the general trend.

Also you can learn some active words and tips about infographics description here


b. To do the second writing task more successfully, you can read my article on how to write an essay in international exams  [The password will be sent to you personally]. Familiarise yourself with the template "To what extent do you agre/disagree". You can learn it, but you must not  use it when performing the task.

4) To record your speaking you will need 15 minutes (or slightly longer for technical reasons, I suspect). 

When doing speaking 2 and 3, allow 2 minutes for preparation and then speak for 1 to 2 minutes (no longer!) recording yourself. Send me your audio/video messages in WhatsApp (+79261836651) or Skype(tatyanann1). You are recommended to use the online countdown timer at https://www.online-stopwatch.com/countdown-timer/. The follow-up questions in speaking 2 ( the ones under the card) and any 2 questions in speaking 3 should be answered spontaneously.

Now you can proceed to the test page and do a demo test there. Make screenshots of your results in listening and reading and send to me, then fill in the forms with your writing. Good luck!

The book with tests.pdf (Do the first test) Attention! I am currently fixing some bugs in the online listening and reading parts of IELTS. So, do them in the book and send it to me via WhatsApp +79261836651. I'll check them manually [вручную]

The audio files 

Should you have any problems or questions, do not hesitate to contact me in skype (tatyanann1), here in e-mail, WatsApp ( +79261836651) or telegram. Skype is actually more preferable to me. It allows exchanging files instantly and having them always at hand.

