Attend to this home task every day. Send for a check all tasks that require your own expression. After that you should learn them by heart, make audio files or videos with their recitation. Look straight into the camera when making videos.

Day I. 1. Correct your mistakes in the essay you wrote as diagnostics  and learn it by heart. Optional: Send in video messages in skype or whatsapp where you recite the essay, looking into the camera.

2. Do the exercises below. You can copy the pics and open them in “Paint”, inserting the necessary words right into the picture. Then send the pictures with saved changes to me for a check in WhatsApp (+79261836651) or Skype (tatyanann1)

3. Fill in the gaps in the task below, then try to form derivatives (однокоренные слова) from the adjectives in italics.











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 Reload the page and practice again and again until you get all the words in green

Write an answer to the question, giving grounds:

What do you have to be like to succeed in your field?

 4. Listen to the audio and do the tasks in the image below. Prepare the retelling in writing and send in for editing. Then tell about your job/ future job. What qualities does it require? What are its advantages and disadvantages? 









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Incorrect Answers: 0

 Reload the page and practice again and again until you get all the words in green

Day II. 

1. Retell the video below using as many words and ideas from it as possible. Switch on the subtitles. Put down the most relevant ideas.Send in an audio message summarizing the video.


2.    Listen to the speech and fill in the gaps with the words you hear

Unfortunately, we are already the disadvantages of this shift. From robotic grocery shops that allow us to swipe our cards to robotic anesthesiologists putting patients to sleep, many roles are being replaced by machines. On the negative side, this automation raises serious about our society. We must consider how it impacts human interaction and the destiny of individuals losing their jobs. For example, the most popular job now is that of an economist, as many people have completed corresponding courses or degrees to be .

However, as AI becomes increasingly , it can analyze vast datasets and generate insights at speeds no human can match, potentially replacing the need for human economists . Moreover, the of robotic anesthesiologists is a stark illustration of this trend. These machines can perform complex tasks, including administering IVs and ensuring patients are safely put to sleep during . While this may seem like a , it serious concerns about the loss of jobs in the medical field and the human in healthcare. Similarly, the rise of robotic grocery shops how convenience can come at a cost. As we use automated systems to select our groceries and swipe our cards, we must remember that this convenience the end for many retail jobs. These stores rely on conveyor belts and robotic systems, eliminating the need for human cashiers and personal interactions that our shopping experiences. We must also consider the impact of robotic programmers.

As AI becomes capable of writing code and developing software, the once skills of human programmers may . If we allow this trend to continue unchecked, we risk not just jobs, but the very essence of creativity and innovation that human workers bring to the tech industry. This trend serves as a that while we seek to , we must ask ourselves: what sacrifices are we to make to protect the human workforce? To with this shift is to ignore the needs of our communities. We risk losing relevance in areas where personal touch matters most. The best thing about human employment is its inherent . If we allow machines to take over, we bind ourselves to a future that prioritizes efficiency over . We can’t help but acknowledge that the conveniences we enjoy today could lead to civil tomorrow.

Let us keep in touch with the human spirit and support businesses that employ people. Every time we use technology left and right, we must question its impact on our society.

The next job you consider should human values. The job requires the ability to demonstrate strong analytical skills and . We can’t sleep on this issue; we must take a stand. Together, we can ignite a movement that the human workforce and ensures that technology serves us, rather than the other way around. Thank you.

Correct Answers: 0

Incorrect Answers: 0

 Reload the page and practice again and again until you get all the words in green

4. Speaking Part 3. Using words and ideas collected from the previous tasks, write answers to the following questions below. Send for a check and learn by heart after that. 

Use at least 1 of the idioms:

#1 – At Your Wits’ End = when you are at the limit of your mental resources, desperate and without additional options  “I’ve been trying to download the file all day and I keep getting an error message – I’m at my wits’ end!”

#2 – Catch-22 = a situation in which it’s impossible to succeed because of conflicting rules or conditions “Getting your first job is a catch-22 because companies want to hire someone with experience, but how can I get experience unless someone gives me a job?”

#3 – Dodged A Bullet = barely escaped from a dangerous/disastrous situation “One of my ex-boyfriends later became a drug dealer! I’m glad I broke up with him – I definitely dodged a bullet.”

#4 – The Crux Of The Matter = the most essential or main part of the problem “Of course there are a number of things that the country needs to improve, but the crux of the matter is that the politicians are corrupt.”

#5 – Grasping At Straws = when you’re desperate and you’re pursuing even the slightest hope or possibility (even if it probably won’t work) “The police are grasping at straws because there’s virtually no evidence at the crime scene.”

#6 – In Dire Straits = in a very serious, very bad situation “Harry has been unemployed for the past three years – he’s really in dire straits.”

#7 – You’ve Got Your Work Cut Out For You = when you have a large and difficult task to do in the future “You want to finish a four-year college degree in just two years? Well, you’ve got your work cut out for you.”

#8 – Last Resort = an option you use as a “last chance” when there are no other options available “If we can’t stay with any of our friends in London, then we can always book a hotel as a last resort.”

#9 – The Tip Of The Iceberg = only a small part of the problem; the biggest part of the problem is hidden “My parents’ arguing about where to go on vacation was only the tip of the iceberg; they treated each other horribly throughout their marriage.”

#10 – A Vicious Cycle = when one problem causes another problem, which then causes the first problem again “When I gain weight, I have less energy to exercise… and when I do less exercise, I gain even more weight. It’s a vicious cycle.”

#11 – To take the plunge ​=(informal) to decide to do something important or difficult, especially after thinking about it for a long time “They finally decided to take the plunge and get married.” “He finally took the plunge and gave in his notice.”

#12 – To bite the bullet ​=(informal) to start to deal with an unpleasant or difficult situation which cannot be avoided “I wasn’t happy with the way my career was going so I decided to bite the bullet and look for another job.” “I hate doing these reports, but I'll just have to bite the bullet.”

#13 – A catch-22 situation =[informal] A dilemma or difficult situation from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting conditions “I can't get a job because I haven't got anywhere to live but I can't afford a place to live until I get a job—it's a catch-22 situation.” “You can't get people without funding, but you can't get funding without the people there in the first place.”

#14 – To roll with the punches ​=to adapt yourself to a difficult situation “Losing my job was really tough, but I've just been trying to roll with the punches until I get back on my feet.”

#15 – Between a rock and a hard place=between the devil and the deep blue sea =In a very difficult situation and to have to make a hard decision “The alternative was equally bad - she was caught between a rock and a hard place.” “The Allende government, caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, was reluctant to refuse this "assistance" for fear of antagonizing its military leaders.”

#16 – To throw in the towel =(informal) to admit that you have been defeated and stop trying “We're not going to throw in the towel just because we lost one game.”

#17 – To raise the bar =to set a new, higher standard of quality or performance “The factory has raised the bar on productivity, food safety and quality.” “This latest computer game raises the bar for interface design.”

#18 – To lower the bar ​=to set a new, lower standard of quality or performance “In the current economic climate we may need to lower the bar on quotas.”

#19 – Teething problems/ [Br En] troubles =small problems that a company, product, system, etc. has at the beginning “Despite a few teething problems, the car has been a great success.”

#20 –To weather the storm =to successfully handle difficulties “You should always plan for the unexpected and be able to weather the storm, as they say.” “Knowing this should help you weather the storm because no matter what happens, the ultimate victory is assured.”


1. Describe the range of job opportunities in your country, for example small businesses and international companies.

  • Active Words: diverse, vibrant, competitive, emerging, innovative
  • Linkers: in addition, furthermore, on the other hand, for instance, similarly
  • Phrases:
    • "There is a wide variety of job opportunities in..."
    • "Small businesses contribute significantly to the economy..."
    • "International companies provide exposure to global markets..."
    • "Many sectors are experiencing growth, such as..."
    • "It's important to recognize the impact of technology on job availability..."

2. If you ran your own business, what would it be? Why?

  • Active Words: envision, establish, develop, create, pursue
  • Linkers: firstly, additionally, therefore, as a result, in conclusion
  • Phrases:
    • "If I were to run my own business, I would focus on..."
    • "I believe that my passion for [industry] would drive success..."
    • "The potential for growth in this field is significant..."
    • "I would prioritize customer satisfaction and innovation..."
    • "Ultimately, my goal would be to make a positive impact on the community..."

3. Make a list of things you think it’s important to consider before setting up your own business.

  • Active Words: evaluate, analyze, assess, plan, research
  • Linkers: firstly, secondly, in addition, however, on the contrary
  • Phrases:
    • "Before starting a business, it’s crucial to consider..."
    • "One must evaluate the market demand for the product/service..."
    • "Financial planning is essential for long-term sustainability..."
    • "Understanding the competition can provide valuable insights..."
    • "It's important to create a solid business plan outlining..."

4. Speculate on possible developments in your country affecting the types of work available.

  • Active Words: anticipate, predict, foresee, transform, influence
  • Linkers: as a result, consequently, in the future, on the horizon, thus
  • Phrases:
    • "In the coming years, I predict that technology will reshape the workforce..."
    • "The rise of automation may lead to a decrease in certain jobs..."
    • "New industries, such as renewable energy, will emerge..."
    • "Changes in consumer behavior could influence job availability in..."
    • "It's essential to adapt to these developments to remain competitive..."

 Day III.

1. Listen to a person doing a Speaking 2 task. Pay attention to how emotionally she speaks. Pay attention to her pauses and stress in words. 

2. Prepare a 2-minute talk on the task in the picture.

It is a task to talk about an experience. Use the template below. Record an audio file and send for a check.

A possible outline of your talk


  • Indeed, …. is a really memorable experience from my past.
  • I would like to tell you …
  • I would like to share my memories about …

Setting the Scene:

  • It was/ happened [X years ago/when I was in college/during my time at...].
  • [Provide context]

Building the Narrative:

  • Firstly, [highlight the main event or aspect].
  • To give you some background, [provide relevant details].
  • In fact, I had expected smb +to V1
  • During this time, [describe the key moments or challenges].
  • It turned out that …


  • The turning point came when [describe a critical moment].
  • This was a significant part of the experience because [explain the impact].


  • In retrospect, [reflect on the experience].
  • Overall, [share your feelings and any lessons learned].
  • This journey has profoundly [influenced/impacted] me, [mention any personal growth or change].

Some idioms to use talking about experiences:

  • To be /get burnt into one’s memory
  • To be etched in one’s mind forever
  • Enjoy oneself immensely:

Example: We enjoyed ourselves immensely at the cultural event.

  • [positive feelings]a delightful experience:

Example: The weekend getaway turned out to be a truly delightful experience.

  • [positive feelings]Revel in the enjoyment:

Example: Guests reveled in the enjoyment of the well-organized event.

  • [positive feelings]Take pleasure in the occasion:

Example: Everyone took pleasure in the occasion, celebrating together.

  • [positive feelings]Derive immense satisfaction:

Example: Engaging in the creative workshop, she derived immense satisfaction

  • Food for thought:

Example: The professor's comments gave us food for thought, encouraging us to reconsider our approach.

  • a valuable lesson:

Example: Losing that opportunity taught me a valuable lesson about being prepared.

  • [negative feelings] A bitter pill to swallow:

Example: Failing the exam was a bitter pill to swallow.

2. Read the text below and do exercises on it:

The Historical Context of Attitudes to Work

Work, for much of the history of the human race, has been challenging and degrading. But while it has always been recognized that work is necessary for the satisfaction of material needs, attitudes toward working hard in the absence of compulsion have varied over the centuries.

Getting on for 3,000 years ago, the ancient Greeks regarded work as a curse. Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle made it clear that the majority of men labored so that the minority could engage in pure exercises of the mind - art, philosophy, and politics. According to Plato, 'Those who need to work must be willing to accept an inferior status.'

During the Middle Ages - from about 400 AD until 1400 AD - work was still perceived negatively, though with a positive attitude towards earnings that prevented one from being reliant on the charity of others for the physical needs of life. Wealth was recognized as an opportunity to share with those who might be less fortunate, and work that produced wealth, therefore, became acceptable. However, any effort to accumulate excessive wealth was frowned upon. It was the duty of a worker to remain in his class, passing on his family work from father to son.

With the Reformation, a period of religious and political upheaval in Western Europe during the sixteenth century, came a new perspective on work. Two key religious leaders who influenced the development of Western culture during this period were Martin Luther and John Calvin, from Germany and France, respectively.

Building on Luther's doctrines, John Calvin introduced a significant new attitude towards work. He taught that people's daily life and deeds, and success in worldly endeavors, reflected their moral worth. Calvin believed that all men must work, even the rich. Men were not to wish for wealth, possessions, or easy living, but were to reinvest the profits of their labor into financing further ventures. Selection of an occupation and pursuing it to achieve the greatest profit possible was considered a religious duty, even if that meant abandoning the family trade or profession. The key elements of these new beliefs about work - usually called the 'Protestant work ethic' - were hard work, punctuality, working for long­-term (rather than immediate) benefits, and the great importance of work.

In time, these attitudes became norms of Western culture. As the industrial revolution gathered pace in the nineteenth century, the idea of work as a religious obligation was replaced by the concept of public usefulness. Economists warned of the poverty and decay that would befall the country if people failed to work hard, and moralists stressed the social duty of each person to be productive.

Now let us fast-forward to the present, to the information age which began in the 1980s. To a far greater degree than before, work is now perceived as rewarding in itself. This work ethic stresses skill, challenge, autonomy, recognition, and the quality of work produced. Autonomy has been identified as a particularly important factor in job satisfaction. Motivation to work involves trust, caring, meaning, self-knowledge, challenge, opportunity for personal growth, and dignity, instead of purely financial incentives. Workers seek control over their work - something lost with the mechanization of the industrial age; and many contemporary jobs are conducive to meeting these needs. As a result, the work ethic has gained a personal relevance not found in most occupations in the industrial age. Some studies have identified a decline in belief that hard work will create adequate benefits. This is a significant shift, because pay and 'getting ahead were the primary incentives management used to encourage productivity during the industrial age.

To sum up, the contemporary work ethic places a positive moral value on doing a good job and is based on a belief that work has intrinsic value for its own sake.

Questions 1-3 Which of the three attitudes to work are mentioned?

Put 'a' next to the attitude that is mentioned and 'b' next to the attitude which is not mentioned.







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Questions 5-10. Match the epochs and thinkers and attitudes by writing the relevant number in each gap.

A  - for Ancient Greece B - for  the Middle Ages C - for John Calvin

  1. people should choose their occupation  - 
  2. work gives others freedom to carry out certain non-work activities - 
  3. people should work hard - 
  4. people who earn money should help others financially - 
  5. work gives people a low position in society - 
  6. a person’s occupation should depend on the social position they are born into - 
  7. people should use money they do not need to create more money - 


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Questions 11-16. Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN ONE WORD from the passage for each answer.

Work in the information age

Work is generally expected to be  11  for its own sake. 

There is an emphasis on the benefits for the individual, and on the 12 of his or her output. One of the major contributors to the enjoyment of work is. A number of factors, rather than money alone, create  In many jobs,workers are able to take  of what they do. There has been a significant change in the main16  that are effective in the workplace.

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Using the text, prepare a 2-min talk on the following plan:

Use the following words: 

  1. Food for thought: This idiom suggests that the article provides material for thinking deeply and considering new perspectives.

  2. Mind-expanding: This phrase conveys that the educational article broadens one's thinking and knowledge.

  3. Eye-opener: This idiom indicates that the article brings new insights or revelations, leading to a shift in perspective.

  4. Thought-provoking: This phrase implies that the article stimulates thought and contemplation.

Day IV. 1. Prepare #5 on page 127 (in the format of Speaking part 2 in the exam) in WRITING. Send in for a check. You may want to use the video  and similar ones as a source of ideas and expressions.

2. Do unit 19 in Objective IELTS work book  Check your SB and WB exercises with the TB

Day V.

1. Read the model writing task 1 answer

and write the analysis of the pie charts below

2. Put the words from the list below in the right gaps

Survive   Homelessness   healthcare   trials   bullshit      citizens    vehemently    advancements

News is coming out of Europe that Basic Income could become a reality in several countries. Basic income is a policy in which ……  get money just for being citizens of that country; they get a monthly check, a statement just for being there, just happen to being there, right? You are paid for existing. 

Local authorities across the Netherlands are currently running ………….to award every citizen unconditional money from the state. Now, of course, when we, Americans, hear this, when we’re told of this idea, it makes our protestant work ethic burn. It makes our heads throb …. and we start twitching…………………. It just impacts us: getting money without working. What’s next? An accountable, verifiable voting system? It’s not just how to things are done.

But, in fact, think about this. What is work? Work was initially done so we could …………………... You could, you know, you had to plant food, take care of the farm, take care of the kids and build your house. You had to do that to survive. Then, later, work was done to build things that weren’t necessarily for you, but they were still very important, you know, to the society:  building railroads, putting on electricity, growing the society as a whole in various very important ways.

Now, however, with ……………………………….of technologies only a small percentage of work is done to survive or to make something crucial. Instead, a lot of work is moving numbers around on the screen to enrich people or making a new video game or managing some social media or whatever. It’s all……………! Sure, if it’s your passion, have that. If you love social media then do that, that’s great. But if we are all working our asses off for bullshit that we hate, if you hate it, then what kind of life is that?  Why are we wasting our existence with that?

Basic income solves that problem. It also solves tons of other problems. You wouldn’t need food stamps for people. …………………would be nearly wiped off the map. People could afford…………………….., which should be free anywhere.  Basically, you‘d have a much better society, a better existence.  But we, here, in the U.S. won’t even consider this, because capitalism wants people struggling. Capitalism loves people struggling. It needs workers just grabbing for pennies. If you see people on the street, it’s good because you need to feel that. The more desperate workers are the better stocks do. Corporate stocks do well when workers are desperate. That’s how capitalism works.

So, that’s why we can’t process of the idea of Basic Income, but, in fact, it is a great idea. And with technology going away, it what needs the effort, it’s the next step.

Does the text above  complement, contradict, or support  the video from DayI? 

Would you agree not to ever work on condition (при условии что) you are paid some basic income? 

How could that influence you? 

For the better or for the worse? 

Will AI eventually free us from routine and dull work or enslave us?

Day VI.

1. Write an essay on the following topic:

Most people in the world have to work to earn a living. However, many people work only for the financial gain that it involves and not for any other rewards that a job can offer. What do u think the main considerations when deciding what job to take should be.

Use the following layout:

If there happens to be only one question in the heading:

1) Introduction 

  • Paraphrase the question 
  • Outline sentence – state your answers to the question in a general way.

2) Main body paragraph 1 – The first point in your answer

  • Topic sentence 
  • Explanation – develop the idea
  • Example – give an example

3) Main body paragraph 2 – The second point in your answer

  • Topic sentence 
  • Explanation – develop the idea
  • Example – give an example

3) Main body paragraph 2 – The third point in your answer

  • Topic sentence 
  • Explanation – develop the idea
  • Example – give an example

4) Conclusion Summarise the question and points in the answer

2. Write the essay on the following topic:

Some people think that eventually robotization of many jobs will make people happier and their life-easier. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




If you happen to find more time, keep doing tasks in this book. It trains your vocabulary related to the exam. For this block you will need to do page 102 down. Check yourself with the answers